Sunday, 13 February 2011

Textual Analysis- Kidulthood

      1. What techniques does the trailer use to persuade its audience to see the trailer?

The techniques that the trailer uses to persuade its audience’s attention are the use of     seriousness. By showing how serious the gangs are shows the trouble involved. Another technique is language. The teenagers in the film use language that is associated with young adults what is known as “Street talk”. The use of this language shows how it relates to the audience of the film. This also helps the audience to relate to the trailer and to understand the use of language being used as they can understand what is being said. Another technique that is being used is non-diegetic sound; it starts off as slow paced music, much more relaxed, this then leads on to much faster pace music to relate back the scene of the trailer. The sense of this calm moment is when we see a man and 3 boys in a car being handed a gun after this moment the music becomes more intense and much faster. This shows how this moment is intense we see a group of boys running. We then see the protagonist as a much violent character towards a much innocent looking character. At this time the music is quicker and much more energetic. By having his change in pace of music keeps the audience interested and keeps them up to date with what is happening at what speed.  The use of non-diegetic music helps get the focus from the audience this is one way of persuading the audience to keep watching the trailer in order to find out what is going to happen next. By using things like violence and anger gives the audience something to look back on as the violence and anger seems to be shown from the males that are involved in the film. The characters clothing automatically relates back to the audience as they are young and are seen wearing hoodies and jogging bottoms. This persuades the audience as they can relate to wearing these kinds of clothing.
      2. How is gender represented in this trailer?
The gender that is being represented is mainly males as they are made to look the more dominant figure throughout the trailer. The way the trailer shows them as these more dominant figures is through the use of low angle shots and high angle shots to show the less dominant characters, it gives the audience a sense of power that the males play a large part of. By showing that males are violent through the use of guns and knives also fighting tells the audience that they are automatically more dominant. However females are shown as the less important because a female is shown being punched in the face by another girl. This shows how some females in the film play a large part as also being the alternative ideology and is shown as dominant. This gives the sense that not only are the males in the film dominant but also females play some role in the film as being dominant at one point. However at the start of the trailer we see a male on the floor at the start of the trailer, this shows a weakness towards the male. Another aspect of the males seen as dominant is at the start if the trailer we see two males facing up to each other, this shows how two males are trying to show who is more powerful. Females are shown as less important in the trailer as we see a girl say to a male character “excuse me play with me..” however the males replies “no you play with me” this shows how the males is being more dominant over the girl and makes the girl look like a sex object and that the male is in control. The sense of control tells the audience that males play a vital role in the film as being dominant and powerful. The gender that is seen to be more vulnerable is the females, as a girl is being held against the wall by a male character.

      3. What target audience would be attracted to this film?
The target audience that would be attracted towards this film would be teenagers from 15-20. This is because we associate teens with being in gangs and street worthy. As the main target audience is male dominated it doesn’t show females a lot. The main age that this film is targeted at is from 15-20 years old as the use of violence is shown a lot, also the use of bad language. This automatically shows that it wouldn’t be appropriate for children below these ages to watch the film. The scenes that are shown show the city and streets. Also the use of estates and blocks of flats suggests that the area is council making it seen as a low budget film, appealing to the audience of young adults. The socio-economic group would be C2DE because the film is low budget and is aimed at mainly students.
      4. What low budget values and characteristics can you identify in this trailer?
The low budget values and characteristics that are identified in this trailer is the use of setting, estates and built up areas are shown also the use of a public school indicates that it is for a much lower class. The use of teenagers, young adults shows that the storyline is aimed at these target audiences of young people as they can relate to it more. The trailer shows a male in a very stereotypical way also indicates how the film is low budget. It shows train stations and the typical streets in which look less attended to, for example the use of a council estate. 

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Textual Analysis- Lynx Dry Advert

Codes and conventions

The codes and conventions of the Lynx Dry advert is that it shows the product throughout in order to make the audience keep their focus on the product. This is to keep the potential buyer/audience interested. The pace of the advert is quite quick as this grabs the attention of the audience in order to keep up with the advert they have to engage with the advert in order to see the new product. Also by having the pace quite fast it encourages the audience to concentrate on the product more. The use of non-diegetic music gives the sense that the mermaids in the advert are hunting for a dry man. The use of this serious music grabs the male attention as the advert is male based. The use of fictional creatures such as mermaids suggests that the advert is quite fictional and based around the imagination making the advert seem as part of the imagination that by having the product attracts females as they like “dry men”.


Males are represented as less dominant and are being hunted by the females who are seen as the more dominant gender in the advert. This shows how alternative ideology is being represented more. The females that are shown in this advert are shown as very sexy, this attracts the male audience immediately and engages them to watch the advert. The idea of the males being desirable helps to sell the product coz it makes the audience seem as they too are desirable.


The target audience that this advert appeals to are young males between the ages of 13-45 this is because the male shown in the advert is young however the older audience can appeal to this because they like the fact that smelling good will still get the attention of the female audience. The socio-economic group that would be interested in this product and advert would be C2DE because the setting that is used is shown to be more middle class and less sophisticated. The scenes that are shown in the advert are the beach, on the street also on the road we see cones this shows how the target audience isn’t so upper class.


The institution for Lynx is Unilever they also are the producers of this advert. They have aimed to show both males and females as the opposites and are seen in the light of alternative ideology rather than showing them in their typical stereo types. They have used modern technology to produce a modern looking advert. But also referred back to the use of mythical creatures such as mermaids. The advert shows two very different sides to both females and males by showing them in the opposite ways, making females look more dominant and males looking less dominant. This is because audiences are used to seeing the usual stereo types of people. 

Case study- exam style question (intro paragraph)

Introduction Paragraph

My case study consists of three media texts. They are of the genre children's programming. The  three texts are Spongebob Square Pants, In The Night Garden and Hannah Montana. They all fall on the three cross media platforms; Print, Broadcast and E-Media. This will show how audiences are no longer a consumer of media texts but are also producers. This is because the consumers have an impact on all programs as they dictate what should be viewed and what shouldn't

Thursday, 10 February 2011

textual analysis on Hundai car advert

1. Which advertising techniques being used? - Media Forms

The techniques being used for this advert is the use of humour. The advert uses a baby getting up and climbing out of his cot to drive the new Hyundai car. It shows the baby as part of the song which says "next of king" meaning the next generation in which the car is. It states the car is Hyundai's new generation of cars. It shows the cars simple but effective use and how easy it is to drive.

2. How is gender represented in the advertisement? - Representation

Gender is represented by showing that males are a dominant user of this car. In the advert we see how a male that is on the street is really impressed with the car but also the fact that a baby is driving it as well. We then see the baby that is driving put his thumbs up as if to say the car is good. We then see the male baby stop to a female baby holding a sign up saying "to west coast" this also shows how females also begin to like the car as well.

3. What is communicated about the Hyundai brand and the experience it offers? - Institution 

What is communicated is the fact that it shows how easy Hyundai's brand of cars are to use. Also how reliable they are. The institution is shown throughout the advertisement because it still refers back to the use of the car. At the end a voice over tells the audience what the make of the car is. The experience it offers is the chance to drive what is seen as Hyundai's new generation of car. We see a baby driving the car to show its relevance back to how new the car is. The experience shows the audience that as well as the car being new the experience gained form it is also new and not like any other experience. It shows how the car brand is convenient and reliable.

4. Who is the target audience and how does the advert attempt to persuade this audience to buy the product? - Audience

The target audience is males, females of the ages 18-40 as the car is a new model and would be wanted by people who have families or are planning for families. As the advert shows how you can take it any were such as on holiday. By having a baby as the driver shows that it is aimed at a young target audience but also an older target audience. The advert attempts to persuade this audience to buy the product by showing its modern functions and it's modern look, both target audiences of the young and old generation would be persuade to buy this for its new look and up to date features. The advert shows how the car can be taken anywhere and can handle any terrain such as sand, rocky and normal road also long distances. At the end of the advert it says "Hyundai drive your way". this means that the institution are trying to persuade the target audience to buy it and to create your own driving experience, how this would only work through driving this new generation of car.